Configuring QWebLookup.ini

Note: CAPSYS Capture uses a wizard to configure the lookup. QWeblookup.ini is kept only for backwards compatibility.

UDLFile=QWebLookup.UDL (or the name of the file, if not default)
Query=Select * from tablename
KeyType=(1 for char, 0 for numeric)
PromptNoMatch=(1 for prompt, 0 for no prompt)
PromptString="No Match was found. Would you like to clear the current key values?"
ShowMultMatches=(1 if show picklist of multiple matches, 0 if not)

QueryKeyDBName allows the QueryKey (the index field triggering the lookup) to use an alias. For instance, SupplierNum is the Index field name and SupplierID is the database column name. The ini file would have these entries:


DBColumnNameAlias allows the use of aliases for other index fields. Use as many as needed, or none. The QWeblookup.dll module looks through the INI file for lines that contain db field name + ‘Alias’: For instance, FirstNameAlias=NameFirst.

In the previous example, FirstName would be the database column name and NameFirst would be the CAPSYS Capture Index Field name.

QueryKeyDBName and DBColumnNameAlias should only appear in the ini file if they are being used.

If the key QueryType=1 is found in the QWebLookup.ini file, the % wildcard symbol will be allowed. If the key is not found, or is equal to zero, wildcards will not work. For instance, S% would return all database entries for the key field that start with S. Keep in mind that to get full use of this ability, ShowMultMatches should be set to 1 - otherwise the first record found will be returned.

Note - The query keys corresponding database column is the only field that is affected by a space in the name. If the query key and the column name don’t match, then use brackets ([ ]) around the column name in the statement QueryKeyDBName=[column name].

Module has been updated to use multiple query keys.

** QueryKey is the CAPSYS Capture Index Field being used for the query.      QueryKey=CAPSYSCaptureIndexField. Sequential numbering allows for multiple keys in a query. For example, QueryKey, QueryKey1, QueryKey2, etc. You should always start with QueryKey and increase incrementally

** QueryKeyDBName is optional and need only be used when the CAPSYS Capture Index Field name and the Database Column name don’t match. QueryKeyDBName should be numbered the same as the QueryKey. For example, QueryKeyDBName8 would match to QueryKey8.

** If a key is left blank it will be ignored for the query. The first query key is the topmost query key and is used for initiating the query. It must not be blank.

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